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Анонимный серфинг на Android

Анонимный серфинг на Android

Вы цените свою конфиденциальность при работе в Интернете? Тогда вы не должны пропустить эту статью. Каждый раз, когда вы пользуетесь Интернетом на своем смартфоне, вы неизбежно оставляете следы. Однако существует функция, позволяющая работать в Интернете без сохранения истории просмотров: приватный…

A Storm in a Cup of Tea | Green Tea Cookies

Tea chemistry and processes. Green Tea Cookies.

There is nothing like green tea cookies to understand the chemistry of the processes that the drink goes from the field to the steaming glass. Tea and coffee are the most consumed beverages in the world, except of course for clean…

What is Caesium-137


Caesium-137 is a radioactive isotope of caesium, which has a mass number (A) equal to 137, because it corresponds to the sum of the number of protons (55) and neutrons (82). Caesium-137 is a radioactive isotope (radioisotope) of the chemical…

Why Do Green Bananas Turn Yellow When They Ripen

Main image of an article on why bananas change color from green to yellow.

Why does a banana look yellow? The peel is initially green because it is rich in chlorophyll, an important component of photosynthesis that also has antioxidant properties (Müller & Kräutler, 2010). During ripening, the chlorophyll in the banana peel is…

Who Is the Real Inventor of the Light Bulb?

Picture of Thomas Edison inventing the light bulb.

Who Invented the Electric Bulb? When asking who invented the light bulb, you should first ask what light bulb. Several light bulbs have been developed over the past few centuries, and each was invented by different inventors and companies. So let’s…